Roughly a year and a half ago I realized that I didn't own many books on graphic design, In an attempt to increase my collection I logged on to amazon and bought a few books that looked interesting. A week or so later they arrived "Graphic design that works", " Graphic design cookbook" and "Graphic design as communication". The first two books were a good read, with alot of strong ideas and nice work, The third book (pictured above) was just page after page of text, not some that visually enticed me, needless to say I was never interested in it... Not until about a week ago when I was sorting through my books, making room for my new arrivals (still attempting to increase my collection) I picked it up and flicked through, hoping it had transformed into something of interest, suddenly my eye was caught by something familiar, A print of F.T marinetti's Zang Tumb Tumb (1914) futurista poster. I became alot more interested in the book as the week before we had been shown this poster in one of my lectures, I began to realise the relevance of this book to my course, Flicking back to the contents page I read "(chapter) 6 Modernism, (chapter) 7 Postmodernism," which are huge aspects of my course.
So basicly.. I purchased this book based on the cover, Id say a job well done to the designer, But then I was disappointed with the content. Now a year later its going to be tremendously benificial. Never judge a book by its cover.. ?